This weekend I:
- Ate great food at Hightopps and got to watch Courtney Upshaw get drafted with a bunch of Ravens fans. It made me really happy and made me want football even more. Can't wait for it.
- Met Reagan from Mix 106.5 while we were at Hightopps. He was sitting next to us the entire night and Shannon (who is a huge fan, haha) didn't realize it was him until right before we were about to leave. We got to talk to him for a bit - he was really nice!
- Went to the Orioles game with Paul (as part of his birthday present from a few weeks ago)! It was 100x more fun than I expected and the O's did awesome. The worst part was the temperature but it wasn't even that bad. It was quite the adventure.
- Walked in the March for the Animals with Paul and Sasha! I'm really, really, really glad we did it. Not only were there a ton of puppies, but Sasha was so good and well-behaved. I love her. She was exhausted on the way back. That 1.5 mile walk seemed like 15 miles to her...and me. I was pretty exhausted too. What does that say about me?
- Played trivia for the first time - thanks, Kyle! I've always wanted to. We came in last (whoopsies) but at least we tried, haha. It was everything I hoped for. Now I want to do more more more more more.