
I love these things lately.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lately I love:
  • Burt's Bees tinted lip balm. Big time obsession. Use it every five minutes. I'll even wipe it off just so I can put more on. 
  • Getting ready in the morning with candles lit. I pretend this makes my morning more calm and about 500x better. It's really all in my brain. Whatever makes me happy in the morning...
  • Football Sundays. Thank GOODNESS IT'S BACK. Mondays are so much easier now that football is back. I can't explain why. Partially because Monday Night Football is something great to look forward to at the end of the day as well. I love that football is back. Brightens up my life so much. 
  • Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Yup. Shout out to the PSL haters. You guys are just jealous. 
  • YourAwayMessages on Twitter. Endless LOLs. 
  • Catie's birthday. I love her and I love birthdays. So her birthday was great. Got her the best shirt ever: a Jackie Battle shirt. Long story short, she doesn't like football that much (yet) but watched a game last season against the chiefs and decided she loved Jackie Battle (randomly). So I got her one of those custom made NFL shirts with "JACKIEBATTLE" on the back. Get it? Get it? 
  • Seeing my best friend. She's a big kid in grad school now so we don't get to hang out as much as we used to so getting to see her when I can is extra awesome. 
  • Getting to go to Charm City Puppies in real life. It never gets old. Amazing. Best ever. Cute puppies. So sweet. In cribs. Sleeping and eating food in cute ways. 
  • Anniversaries. Those are nice. 

I love(d) Big Time Rush.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So...I didn't mention this previously. Partially because I forgot and partially because I've been busy and not able to update as much. But a few Sundays ago, all of my dreams came true and I finally got to see Big Time Rush in real life. If anyone's been reading my blog since the beginning - which hasn't been that long - you'll remember when I got tickets and was pumped. All I can say is, I had no idea how much I was going to love seeing a boy band in concert again. They all looked so good. They DANCED SO GOOD. I'm in love.
Ahhhh, it was so good. Imagine thousands of 10-year olds...and then Tim, Catie, and I. I was probably the oldest person there that didn't have a parent with them. So proud, though. Truthfully, I've never gotten so out of control at a show before, hahaha. Jumping up and down, screaming, singing super loud. It was very unlike me. I guess acting that ridiculous comes with being at such a show. I could never get away with doing such a thing at any other show - unless I wanted to be looked at like a crazy/made fun of and probably extremely embarrassed of myself.
Catie, Tim, and I made shirts for the show! Typical life. Puffy paint and all. I was really proud of them. Probably too proud of them? I like to pretend they - Big Time Rush - could see me all the way in the back (we were in the very back section in the pavilion - yolo) and really liked my shirt. I also like to pretend they miss me as much as I miss them. I've never felt so sad after a show was over. The entire week after, I listened to them over and over again. I think my obsession with boy bands probably will never end. I'm 23 and still this crazy over them? No shame. No shame.

I love muffins, fantasy football, etc.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's been a loooong time. A verrrry long time.

Lots has happened. I've just been lazy.

I made muffins. Banana crumb muffins. Wanna see them? Here's pictures. And here's the recipe.
I had my fantasy football draft...with buddies and buffalo chicken dip that I'd made for the first time. I was impressed with how easy it was to make. And how good it was in my mouth. I accidentally got Matt Flynn as one of my QBs and that brought a lot of LOLs to the room. I thought I'd be okay...then Russell Wilson existed and my dreams were crushed. Ouch. I have Ray Rice, though. Let's hope he can carry my team?
I met a lot of dogs. A husky named Thunder - hiiii Muranakas! A schnozzle (?) named Scout - hiii dog Paul and I have been obsessed with for months and finally got to meet (dream come true). And more. Dogs are life. Puppies are everything. Having a rough day? Just go to Charm City Puppies' Facebook - here's a link...add it your Favorites - they have the sweeeeeeeeetest little puppy pictures.
I went to an O's game with my department at work. Work outings are fun. The O's are fun - even if they lose. Sports. Hiii Jackieeee.
I lost MY S#@$ over Pretty Little Liars. Hiiii Shannon. Wow and wow. I'm really sad it's over (til October). Come baaaackkk to meeeee. Say hi to our "A" pizza we got that took 90 minutes to arrive - not kidding. It was worth it. It was amazing. 
I tried on bridesmaids dresses. Never done that before. That was fun! Lots of fun dresses. My favorite is one that's got pockets in the side - for easy Instagram'ing.