
I love Shannon('s birthday).

Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy birthday, Shannon! It's your golden birthdayyyyyy. Weeeeeee. Here are 24 reasons why you're awesome. 

1. You're the best. 
2. You've got nice hair. 
3. You've got a nice cat - see what I did there? Your cat is friendly - I can't deny it. 
4. You make me laugh more than anyone else. You make everyone laugh because you're hilarious and ridiculous.
5. You're so friendly. Actually friendly. I'm not saying friendly because you say friendly. You're actually friendly. 
6. You make people feel great. Thank you for that. How did we all get so lucky to have you in our lives? Not sure but thanks for that too. 
7. You are very generous. 
8. You're a good walking partner. Walking forever. 
9. You're good at making cupcakes. And also eating them with me. Cutcakes.
10. You are good at talking about Ed Sheeran. And Zac Efron. 
11. You love Disney as much as I do. Probably more but I appreciate you helping my love for Disney grow. I can't wait to go to Disney World with you and cry with you over Wishes. Cry is an understatement. I think we'll be sobbing - or at least I will be. You're the only person that I could ever do that with.
12. You're extremely understanding.
13. You love sports as much as I do. Mostly football. But baseball is okay too because Mannnyyy Achadddooo.
14. You love food as much as I do. Talking about food while we eat food.
15. You have a great taste in restaurants. Example: you love Chili's.
16. You are still friends with me even if I'm A. Also, I'm A. 
17. You remember everything. 
18. You are great at sports. 
19. You're awesome at school. So great at grad school right now. 
20. You try to see the best in everyone. 
21. You love Christmas so much. Happy Half Christmas Eve.
22. You're my blog's biggest fan.
23. You have some road rage in you which I can appreciate.
24. You're an amazing friend to me.

I hope you have the best day ever. Can't wait to celebrate with food. The only way to celebrate.