
I love being thankful: part three

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

So...five posts on being thankful just turned into four! Whoopsies. I was busier than I expected to be on Sunday + Tuesday and didn't have time to do those days' posts. This one will be a two-for-one type deal and the last one will be tomorrow (for anyone who is keeping track). 
I am thankful for my family
Without my mom, I'd be a bigger softie than I already am. I like to think she's made me more of a tough cookie which I'm pretty grateful for. She also is always right. Okay, not ALAWYS but she tends to be right most of the time so she's a great person to go to life advice for! Grateful to have a smart (and tough) cookie for a mama. 
My dad, on the other hand, is probably the nicest and sweetest person I know. Recently, my car has needed some work done to it and without his help, I'd be completely lost. He's helping me save money and get things done that I'd have no idea how to do on my own. Not only that, but he also cleans my bathroom for me every weekend. What is going to happen when I have to move out and clean my own bathroom? Grateful I have him for now, haha. 
Without being TOO sappy, I'm so incredibly thankful for Catie and who she's becoming. She's an amazing sister and person and I feel so lucky to not only get along with her as well as I do, but to share the same sense of humor. 
Brooke maybe doesn't share the same sense of humor as Catie and I...but that's to be expected. She's ONLY 16 years younger than me, haha. She brings a hilarious and entertaining light to the family that wouldn't be here without her. It's hard to imagine what the house would be like without her yell-singing Selena Gomez downstairs. 

I am thankful for my Paul + Shannon.
I try to imagine what my life would be like if I had never met Paul, if we had never started dating, if we were never buddies. Whether I like it or not (I like it), Paul's definitely helped shape who I am and I'm thankful for that. I've grown up with him over the last six years and developed a ridiculous sense of humor and become someone I'm proud to be. He's the most hilarious person I've ever met and is so kind to everyone he meets. He goes out of his way to make sure he helps anyone and everyone he can and it's inspiring to watch. So many people love him and I can't blame them. He's a swell, swell, swell dude. Love you, Paul!
Truthfully couldn't ask for a better best friend, either. Shannon is the best listener ever and never lets me forget how much she cares about me. We always have so much fun when we're together - even if we're just sitting on my bed in the dark looking at the glow-in-the-dark stars that are on my ceiling and talking about the food we're going to eat next. Who else would I be able to talk about foods with while we eat food? She's my fellow food-obsessed best friend who will always go out of her way to be there for me and make me feel better when I'm down. The best best friend! Love ya, miss! 

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