
I love J. Timb.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

This past work week was one of the worst weeks I've had in quite some time. Why? Did something horrible happen? No...nope. Nothing horrible happened. I can't think of one bad thing that happened all week - other than traffic, maybe. And at this point, I don't consider that bad, really. Just normal, haha. 

Why was it so bad then? I had a serious case of Negative Nancy-itis and I could not shake it. Nothing was bad - but I was able to make anything bad in my head just by putting a negative spin on it. FUN. One of the most frustrating things for me is being in a negative mood/grumpy mood and not being able to get out of it - no matter how hard I try. It actually ends up making my mood even WORSE because I'm mad I can't change it. That's my life.

I was starting to get really wild and out of control by Wednesday evening -- not even some online shopping and a run while watching Ellen could help me at that point (WHATTTT?).

And then...Thursday morning at 10:00am happened. 

After a lot of anxiety (hey, Jackie) and stress and finding out (the hard way) that apparently our work computers hate it a lot if you try to buy tickets from Ticketmaster so they won't let you order them, I was able to get Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z tickets at M&T for me and Paul! Ahhhhh yessssss. We're way at the very top, in the back - usually where we sit for Ravens games, haha. But that doesn't matter! Tickets weren't that expensive and I get to see my crush that I've had since elementary school in real life again and be in the presence (it kind of counts...even if I am really far away) of Jay-Z. 

After this, my brain and my week got good and life is normal again. So, just want to shout out to the Ticketmaster gods for hooking me up with being able to buy tickets under $100.00 so I could afford tickets. Thanks a lot. 
Oh, and P.S. - feel free to click here and help me raise $$$ for the little puppies and kittens.

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