
I love vacations.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I had a feeling I might appreciate this year's summer vacation to Ocean City a thousand times more than I ever have in the past. Vacations are so much different when I work full time. I really think I kind of took it for granted a little bit the past few years. This year's (short-ish) trip was grrrrrrrreat great great great great. 
Experienced a casino (for the first time) and saw $100 bills. I can't remember the last time I saw those in real life. This woman we saw was using them like they were $5s or $10s. Ridiculous. Paul and I, obviously, didn't do any gambling. I can't imagine doing that with how crazy I am about money. No way, Jose. I don't have $1 bills to be putting into machines if there aren't any Snickers bars or white cheddar popcorn bags coming out.
Hit up Dunkin Donuts twice in one day - that's what's up. Breakfast and dessert. Proud of this. 
Played mini golf twice in 24 hours. Once with just Paul - which was lots of fun. Highest score wins, right? In that case, I was the champ. The other with a large group of Paul's family - which was also lots of fun. Also got one of the highest scores that time as well. All I do is win.
Consumed a ton of food at Tequila Mockingbird - finally! All I ever do is hear about how awesome it is there. It was incredible. Really. Amazing. I wish I could go more often/it were closer. I'd spend all of my $$$ on those nachos. I get nachos basically everywhere I go anyways. I just wish they were THEIR nachos. 
Dined at a seafood restaurant for breakfast. I wasn't into it at first - definitely kind of grossed out thinking about it as we were walking up to the place. But their breakfast was normal, diner-like food. I'll take pancakes from anywhere - even a seafood place, apparently.
Hung out hard with Kelsey and Jess! Friends from good old Eldersburg! Something about hanging out with friends outside of your town is really exciting. 
Swam in the ocean - twice. This is a big deal for me, okay? I don't think Paul and I have ever swam together in the ocean for as long as we did. I've always been such a chicken about getting in. It seemed like the older I got, the more fearful I was about what was in the water (fish, jelly fish, crabs on my feet, other mysterious things, seaweed, etc.). Such a scary mystery about what's in there. I decided before we left this trip that I was going to just get over it and get in. And I'm glad I did! 
Burned to a crisp. As usual. In the same spot I always get sunburned - my very upper back and my neck. EVERY summer, you'll always see a burn line (which will eventually turn into a tan line) of where the strap of my bathing suit was. No matter how much sunblock I put on. Always that line. Always so much ouch. 
The trip was swell, swell, swell and I didn't want to leave. It's always tough to leave. Especially when you're only there for a few days and not a whole week. I got super sentimental as we were driving off (aka addressing Ocean City as if it were a person - turning around in my seat, speaking the skyline, telling it I would miss it, etc.). My life. I plan on going back at least once more before summer is over! 

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