
I love(d) February.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

If I had to name my least favorite month, it'd probably be February. By the time February comes around, I'm usually sick of the cold + the snow + the wind + the darkness all the time. Surprisingly, this February was actually really awesome. Here are my five favorite things from February:

1. I became a crazy coupon lady. 
Now that I'm making real money, I have to buy a lot of my own groceries, deodorant, and other fun stuff like that. If you know me, you know that I'm a weirdo about spending money. Even now that I am actually making it, I try to save it as much as I can. Therefore, when I see a pile coupons sitting on the counter on a Saturday morning, I freak out and cut as many as I can (and probably get too excited about it). I've started trying new things that I normally wouldn't buy, simply because I have a coupon for it. For example, these little bars are amazing and I wouldn't have ever tried them without my little $1.00 off coupon, hahaha:
2. I started a new job.
Which means I also became a commuting adult who commutes to work and complains about traffic. The commuting thing may not seem like a good thing but it kind of has been. I have a lot of time to think about things (and listen to my music really loud) when I'm driving home from work in the evenings. It's nice. Plus, most importantly, my job is nice, too. I'm really happy.

3. I got to see a lot of sunsets.
Driving home from work has also allowed me to see some of the best sunsets ever that I probably wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't driving home between 5:45 and 6:00 on Liberty Road. I'm not usually one to take 500 pictures of the sunset but I couldn't help myself this month. I took so many!
4. Valentine's Day.
I don't remember (typical, I have an awful memory) what I thought about Valentine's Day before I was with Paul, but I'm pretty sure I still kind of liked it. Even if I was lame and didn't have a valentine before him, I still kind of enjoyed it. I'm sure I was negative about it a handful of times but now that I'm older, I'd like to think I'd like it even if I didn't have a valentine. Anyways, this Valentine's Day was enjoyable.

5. New appreciation for my family + home. 
The few weeks after I graduated felt a lot longer than they actually were. I felt like I was always at home which kind of led me to not enjoy being home as much as I would have before. But now, being away from home from 7:30am until 6:00pm has really made appreciate my family and being home. :)

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