
I love the lottery.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

In the beginning of this week, I had no clue (really, no clue) about how the lottery works. I mean, okay, I had some clues. I knew that you win money. I knew that numbers are picked. I just didn't understand a few other things.
Luckily, with the help of Paul and Shannon and through listening to other people talk about it, I gathered many clues and actually understood how this lottery thing works. Just in time to buy a ticket on Friday night at 8:30pm - for the first time ever!  I walked out of the liquor store (where wine was bought, of course - typical Friday night) and yelled (not kidding) that I had the winning ticket in my hand. I thought it was hilarious to say this because obviously everyone says they have the winning ticket and no one actually does.
So, 11:00pm rolled around and I sat in my bed in my Snuggie with my best friend and immediately thought to myself and said, "I'm not going to win." Hahahaha. I didn't win. Imagine that!

All week the news was talking to everyone and asking, "What would you do if you won $640 million (or whatever the amount was at the time of the interview)?" 

Here's what I would do:
  1. Pay off my student loans - oh, my education. So expensive.
  2. Pay off Lola - Lola's my car. She's new-ish. 
  3. Pay for my sister's education - she is going to be transferring in a little bit. I know how important picking a school was to me. If I could pay with my millions of dollars, she could go wherever in the world without all of the same worrying I went through with paying for school and that would make me really happy.
  4. Give a big chunk to my parents, Paul and his family, Shannon and her family, etc. 
  5. Donate some to the Maryland SPCA. 
  6. Buy all of the baking supplies in the world so I can bake all the time - lately, I don't bake anything because I don't feel like I have the money to go buy some of the ingredients, etc. 
  7. Buy a new comforter - the one I have now is almost the worst. Down comforter with mini teeny tiny holes in it. Feathers. Everywhere.
  8. Clone Sasha - this is good for her, not just me. She'd have a buddy. I'd buy them both all the treats ever. 
  9. Go on a lot of trips - Disney World? DisneyLAND? Boston!? Hahaha Boston, mostly. My weird obsession with Boston will NEVER stop until I finally get a chance to go there.
  10. Buy all of the different wines that are good. Wine wine wine wine wine. 
  11. And this is a bonus one...I'd buy all the clothes I want. I like to put clothes into my virtual "shopping cart" online and let them sit there and then never buy them because I don't think I have the money. So, if I had money, I'd be able to virtually check out and virtually (or really) buy them. So much dresses, so much v-necks. 

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