
I love being lazy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I have really been slacking this week. Really slacking. 

  1. I planned on going running tonight. Didn't do that. Instead, I'm laying on my bed and I just finished eating a handful of potato chips. I also had pancakes and two muffins for dinner. I'm judging myself. 
  2. One of my goals for April was to blog 3 times a week. This will technically be my second post this week and it's only Wednesday but it's not a real post. It's just showing everyone how lazy I am! 
  3. I was going to bake tonight (before/after running) and then I was going to bring in some goodies for my coworkers. Didn't do that. Too lazy to even think of/find something to make.
  4. Yesterday night, I complained to Shannon about how I didn't want to go to put gas in my car. The gas station is only 2 minutes away. I just didn't want to get off of my bed. Lazy. I also was too lazy to get up and turn on my TV before Glee came on. I made her do it for me, haha.
  5. I need to get my bangs trimmed...bad. I need to make an appointment to get them trimmed...bad. I could easily call them now and make an appointment for Saturday but...I'm lazy so I told Siri to remind me to make an appointment when I get home from work. (To be honest, part of the reason why I told Siri to remind me is because I wanted to do what everyone does on the iPhone commercials when they tell her to remind them to do things and she responds by saying "Here is your reminder for ______ at ____. Shall I create it?" Ugh, I love Siri.) 
So there you have it, everyone. Just a few examples of my laziness and slacking-ness this week. To be honest, I had a rough beginning of the week - I was grumpy Monday and Tuesday and kind of down - so that is partially an excuse for my laziness. Maybe I'm not even that lazy. I'm just not as productive as I usually am.

GOOD NEWS, though. I'm beginning to feel happier and more productive already so let's hope that this carries over into tomorrow and the rest of my week! 

Speaking of how much I love Siri and her making reminders for me...I asked her to remind me to brush my teeth at 8:00pm tonight. I don't really need to brush my teeth then. I just wanted to make a reminder. Check it out. She really did remind me to do it at 8:00pm. Siri is the best thing that ever happened to me and my bad memory. I'm excited about this. I'll never forget anything ever again (as long as I remember to tell Siri to remind me).

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